AeTos Consulting is a Luxembourg based Chartered Accountants office who provides a comprehensive one stop service to meet the needs of local businesses including bespoke high quality accountancy, taxation, payroll, company formation and administration and business advice.
AeTos Consulting partners have an extensive experience on the Luxembourg market and are specialised in the Private Equity industry, the Payment industry, Fintech and Start-up.
Corporate Services
Accounting and tax services
AeTos Consulting proposes innovative solutions concerning the implementation, organisation and monitoring of your company in Luxembourg.
Our partners have an extensive experience of the Luxembourg market and are aware of the challenges our customers have to face. Each client’s situation is specific and unique, therefore we deliver a personal bespoke strategy. Below you can find an indicative list of the services we propose:
Establish an accounting system tailored to your business and your objectives in accordance with the Luxembourg Standard Chart of Accounts (PCN) and international standards.
Bookkeeping services and preparation of financial statements.
Establish periodic group reporting in line with your internal procedures.
Establish intermediate, analytical and/or forecast positions.
Review and analysis of financial statements.
Preparation of periodic and annual VAT returns.
Preparation of annual tax returns.
- Filling annual accounts in accordance with Luxembourg regulation.
Legal Services
AeTos Consulting can provide you with all the technical assistance needed for the legal aspects of your project, as well as the preparation of the necessary legal documentation to meet your obligations in line with Luxembourg law.
Incorporation of a company.
Preparation of the annual general meeting, convening notices etc.
Preparation of extraordinary general meetings.
Opening a bank account for a company in the process of incorporation.
Preparing an application for a business residence permit for commercial companies.
Social Services
As an employer, you have important obligations which are not only limited to the administration of your company. As social legislation is a complex matter, AeTos Consulting ensures that you comply at all times with your obligations towards your employees.
AeTos Consulting can bring the necessary support for:
Registration of the company/employees with Social Security and health at work organizations.
Recruitment assistance: authorization request, salary simulations, formalities relating to applications for aid granted by the ADEM.
Recruitment formalities and drafting contracts in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Payroll management including preparation of pay slips, relevant social and tax returns, and summary of accounting entries.
Extra-legal benefits management.
Management of paid holidays and sick leave.
Monitoring absenteeism.
Development of pension schemes for staff.
Secondment of workers and ad hoc representation of foreign entities.
- Drafting and issuing letters of intend for terminating the employment agreement and related formalities.
Provision of Registered Office and Company Management
Each Luxembourg registered company must have an address in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. AeTos Consulting is able to offer a registered office address. Any correspondence received at the registered office will be opened and forwarded to the relevant director/shareholder for further action. Being a member of “l’Ordre des Experts Comptables”, AeTos Consulting is entitled to domicile the registered office of your Luxembourg entity.
Whether it’s about establishing or managing your bills, preparing wire transfers or ensuring the link and intermediation with the various Luxembourg administrations, AeTos Consulting can support you with these tasks.
We can provide you with an office that will give substance to your activity in accordance with the regulations in your country.
Advisory Services
Business Start-Up Advice
We are ideally positioned to assist business start-ups and are able to provide peace of mind at what can be a stressful, as well as exciting, time for a new business. Getting advice prior to starting up a business is essential in order to ensure that all the paperwork has been correctly completed thus providing a solid platform to build upon.
Corporate governance
Corporate governance ensures a sustainable and effective process of creating core values.
Our directors are all professionally qualified with significant experience across a wide range of asset classes. We seek to highlight areas where potential issues might arise in the future and to assist in determining and implementing the required preventive measures. Our directors understand the need to challenge as well as to support.
AeTos Consulting provides regulatory and compliance consultancy and support to regulated businesses. We are highly experienced in these areas and perfectly resourced to assist you with your compliance and related requirements.
Our services may include:
Support to the client in-house Compliance Officer.
Preparation and ongoing maintenance of Compliance and AML Manuals.
Regular updates on changes in regulations and rules relevant to a client’s business.
Staff training.
General consultancy on all matters of a regulatory or practical compliance.
CSSF Reporting
Due to our extensive experience of the Luxembourg regulated industry, AeTos Consulting can also assist you in the preparation and the sending of monthly and quarterly financial reports to the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier.
We put all our professionalism and our attention to maximize your chances of getting the required funding for your projects.
AeTos Consulting can help you select the most appropriate type of financing which suits your company, in the project presentation to your investor and we are also here to assist you with the negotiation of terms and conditions of your funding.
Company creation
The main types of companies in Luxembourg
The most common types of commercial and industrial companies are the limited liability companies.
The Public Limited Liability Company (“S.A.”)
It may be incorporated by just one founder and does not have a limitation imposed on the number of members. The share capital must amount to 30,000 EUR. A minimum of 7,500 euros must be paid at incorporation and the rest in maximum 5 years.
The Private Limited Liability Company (“S.à r.l.”)
The share capital must amount to 12,000 EUR which must be fully paid when the company is registered. The number of members may vary from 2 to 40.
Legal entities of this type can also be established by a single person and are called sole proprietorships.
The registered seat of the Company must be located in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The Directors do not need to have the Luxembourgish nationality.
The Simplified Private Limited Liability Company (“S.à r.l.-S”)
Since January 16, 2017, the S.à.r.l.-S allows entrepreneurs in Luxembourg to start their own company from 1 euros onwards.
Contrary to the classic S.à.r.l. statute, the new S.à.r.l.-S has the following features:
The share capital amounts between 1 and 12,000 euros ;
It may be constituted as a private deed, i.e. without the intervention of a notary ;
It is open exclusively to physical persons ;
cannot be associated with the same person more than once ;
only concerns activities for which a business permit is necessary ;
It is not under the obligation of changing into a standard S.à.r.l. after a certain number of years ;
The business license
It is mandatory for any commercial or industrial business and for the exercise of the vast majority of self-employed jobs. This authorization must be requested from the Ministry of Classes Moyennes.
The business license is always personal. Thus, in the case of a company, it is its manager who must make the request and on whom rests the business license.
Brief overview of the Soparfi
The SOPARFI is a generic term to designate companies whose purpose is hold and manage participating interest in affiliated undertakings. Besides these holding activities, the SOPARFI can carry out any other object be it commercial, real estate or industrial providing that it has the necessary authorization.
The SOPARFI is therefore subject to the common tax and legal framework. The most common legal forms are the SA or Sàrl. The capital requirement depends on the legal form. The registered office must be situated in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.
The Private Wealth Management Company
The Private Wealth Management Company is an alternative to H29 held by private individual investors. This law is a consequence of the decision of the EU commission on the incompatibility of the H29 regime with EU state aid rules.
It is a vehicle designed for the management of the Private Wealth in a tax efficient manner providing for a deferral of the taxation when proceeds are distributed to the investors.
You wish to know more about it ? Need for information or for an additional information for a personalized offer ?
AeTos Consulting Sarl
21, rue du Fort Elisabeth
L-1463 Luxembourg
Phone. : +352 26 33 44 50
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